"Presuppositionalism" is the name given to a special branch of
apologetics. In this blog, I will post my criticisms of
presuppositionalism as it is informed and defended by apologists such as
Greg Bahnsen, John Frame, Cornelius Van
Til, Richard Pratt, and their
latter-day followers.
290. STB: Two Years and Counting - August 27, 2012
289. Is Anyone Truly a Christian? - August 4, 2012
288. Chris Bolt vs. the Evils of Demanding Evidence in Support of Truth Claims - July 22, 2012
287. Craig Keener on Miracles - June 17, 2012
286. Presuppositionalism’s Finest? - May 24, 2012
285. In Shambles: Nide's Crumbling Worldview - May 23, 2012
284. Christian Anti-Morality: A Response to Nide - May 22, 2012
283. Greg Bahnsen on the Problem of Evil - May 21, 2012
282. Answering Dustin Segers’ Presuppositionalism, Part IVb: Collectivism, Evil and Slavery - May 19, 2012
281. Answering Dustin Segers’ Presuppositionalism, Part IVa: Objective Morality - May 12, 2012
280. Answering Dustin Segers’ Presuppositionalism, Part IIIb: The Problem of Induction - April 15, 2012
279. Answering Dustin Segers’ Presuppositionalism, Part IIIa: The Uniformity of Nature - April 12, 2012
278. Answering Dustin Segers’ Presuppositionalism, Part II: The Nature of Logic - April 8, 2012
277. Answering Dustin Segers’ Presuppositionalism, Part I: Intro and the Nature of Truth - April 7, 2012
276. Incinerating Presuppositionalism: Year Seven - March 26, 2012
275. The Self-Attesting Absurdity of the Christian Worldview - March 22, 2012
274. Can a Worldview “Provide” the “Preconditions of Intelligibility”? - Part III - March 20, 2012
273. Can a Worldview “Provide” the “Preconditions of Intelligibility”? - Part II - March 17, 2012
272. Can a Worldview “Provide” the “Preconditions of Intelligibility”? - Part I - March 16, 2012
271. Nide’s 15 - March 6, 2012
270. Reaction to My Critique of Anderson and Welty’s “The Lord of Non-Contradiction” - February 25, 2012
269. Are the Laws of Logic “Thoughts” of the Christian God? - January 1, 2012
268. A Reply to Michael: Further Thoughts on the Issue of Supernatural Deception - December 10, 2011
267. Some Thoughts on the “Sensus Divinitatis” - December 6, 2011
266. Christianity’s Psychological Price Tag - December 4, 2011
265. Christianity’s Sanction of Evil - December 1, 2011
264. Cognitive Reliability vs. Supernatural Deception - November 21, 2011
263. A Reply to Dustin Seger’s Dismantled Blog Entry on Objectivism - November 1, 2011
262. Has the Primacy of Existence Been Refuted? - October 27, 2011
261. George H. Smith’s “Atheism: The Case Against God” – Online – Free PDF - October 16, 2011
260. Strange Bedfellows? - October 3, 2011
259. Answering Nide’s Questions about the Uniformity of Nature - September 6, 2011
258. STB: One Year and Still Waiting… - August 27, 2011
257. Five Years and Still Waiting… - August 12, 2011
256. Presuppositionalism vs. Objectivism: How Objectivism Prevails - August 2, 2011
255. Nide’s Snide - July 22, 2011
254. A Proof that the Christian God Does Not Exist - July 15, 2011
253. Considering Tony’s Offerings - June 2, 2011
252. The Argument from the Unity of Knowledge - May 25, 2011
251. Imagine There’s a Heaven - April 29, 2011
250. Incinerating Presuppositionalism: Year Six – March 26, 2011
249. On “Justifying” the “Inductive Principle” - March 16, 2011
248. Thoughts on Gallup’s Religious Wellbeing Polls - February 25, 2011
247. Does the Double Slit Experiment Refute the Primacy of Existence? - January 29, 2011
246. Was Ayn Rand “Dead Wrong”? - December 7, 2010
245. A Knock at the Door - November 17, 2010
244. Some Thoughts on Presuppositionalism and the Problem of Evil - October 22, 2010
243. Rick Warden’s Critique of Objectivism - October 7, 2010
242. Andrew Louis’ Persisting Confusions - September 11, 2010
241. Another Reply to Andrew Louis - September 7, 2010
240. A Reply to Andrew Louis - September 5, 2010
239. My Squabble with Andrew - September 3, 2010
238. A Critique of Sye Ten Bruggencate’s - August 27, 2010
237. Nocterro’s Anti-Objectivist Pseudo-Terrorism - July 31, 2010
236. Is the Christian God’s Existence “Self-Evident”? - July 25, 2010
235. The Storybook Worldview - July 21, 2010
234. The Biological Nature of Consciousness - June 25, 2010
233. Was I Ever a Presuppositionalist? - June 22, 2010
232. A Response to David Smart on Arrogance - June 18, 2010
231. Answering Hutchinson’s Critique of Objectivism - June 11, 2010
230. Is Atheism Inherently Arrogant? - June 4, 2010
229. TAG: Precariously Straddling the Horns of a Nasty Dilemma - May 21, 2010
228. My Suppressed Comment Regarding TAG on Choosing Hats - May 19, 2010
227. The Imaginative Nature of Christian Theism - May 7, 2010
226. If Knowledge Then Non-Theism - April 4, 2010
225. Incinerating Presuppositionalism: Year Five - March 26, 2010
224. Bolt's Pile of Knapp, Pt. 5 - March 23, 2010
223. Bolt's Pile of Knapp, Pt. 4 - March 22, 2010
222. Bolt's Pile of Knapp, Pt. 3 - March 21, 2010
221. Bolt's Pile of Knapp, Pt. 2 - March 20, 2010
220. Bolt's Pile of Knapp, Pt. 1 - March 19, 2010
219. Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Irrefutable Evidence that Christianity is True! - March 13, 2010
218. John Robbins and the Foreclosure of His Critique of Objectivism - March 11, 2010
217. Causality as a Necessary Relationship - March 10, 2010
216. Humean Causality and Presuppositionalism - March 5, 2010
215. The Uniformity of Nature - February 12, 2010
214. How Theism Violates the Primacy of Existence - February 5, 2010
213. Are Non-Christians Unable to "Account For" Their Counting? - January 9, 2010
212. The Argument from Predication - December 26, 2009
211. Kreeft on the Design Argument - November 21, 2009
210. Bolt on Evidence and the Need to Take a Claim Seriously - October 14, 2009
209. Chris Bolt on Hume and Induction - October 7, 2009
208. Natural Revelation: Direct Apprehension or Inference? - September 11, 2009
207. Can the Water in My Drinking Glass Turn into Merlot? - September 9, 2009
206. Bolt's Leaking Boat - September 6, 2009
205. Bolt's Loose Screws - September 4, 2009
204. Chris Bolt's Questions - September 1, 2009
203. Response to MadMax - August 31, 2009
202. RazorsKiss on the Christian God as the Basis of Knowledge – Part 9: Supernatural
Deception - August 28, 2009
201. RazorsKiss on the Christian God as the Basis of Knowledge – Part 8: The
“Impossibility of the Contrary” - August 26, 2009
200. RazorsKiss on the Christian God as the Basis of Knowledge – Part 7: Rival
Epistemologies - August 25, 2009
199. RazorsKiss on the Christian God as the Basis of Knowledge – Part 6: RK on the
Christian’s “Certainty” - August 24, 2009
198. RazorsKiss on the Christian God as the Basis of Knowledge – Part 5: Exodus 3:14 - August 21, 2009
197. RazorsKiss on the Christian God as the Basis of Knowledge – Part 4: RK on Man’s
“Warrant” for Using Logic - August 20, 2009
196. RazorsKiss on the Christian God as the Basis of Knowledge – Part 3: RK’s “No
Brute Facts” Claim - August 19, 2009
195. RazorsKiss on the Christian God as the Basis of Knowledge - Part 2: RK's Axioms - August 18, 2009
194. RazorsKiss on the Christian God as the Basis of Knowledge - Part 1: Overview of
RK's Epistemology - August 13, 2009
193. A Rejoinder to Chris Bolt - July 26, 2009
192. Chris Bolt on the Conditions of Knowledge - July 24, 2009
191. The Concept of Chance: Right and Wrong Uses - July 10, 2009
190. Does Logic Presuppose the Christian God? Part II: Reasons Why Logic Cannot
Presuppose the Christian God, #4: The Trinity - July 8, 2009
189. Does Logic Presuppose the Christian God? Part II: Reasons Why Logic Cannot
Presuppose the Christian God, #3: Contradictions in Christ - July 6, 2009
188. Does Logic Presuppose the Christian God? Part II: Reasons Why Logic Cannot
Presuppose the Christian God, #2: Christianity’s Lack of Concept Theory - July 4, 2009
187. Does Logic Presuppose the Christian God? Part II: Reasons Why Logic Cannot Presuppose the Christian God, #1: Christianity’s Lack
of Objectivity - July 2, 2009
186. Does Logic Presuppose the Christian God? Part I: Examining the Presuppositionalist Viewpoint - June 29, 2009
185. Is Existence Merely an Attribute? - June 26, 2009
184. Is the "Immaterial" Actually Imaginary? - June 24, 2009
183. Demystifying Universality - June 22, 2009
182. Theistic Misuse of the Concepts of Meaning, Value and Purpose - June 19, 2009
181. The "Necessary Being" vs. "Contingent Being" Argument - May 22, 2009
180. Non-Cognitivism or Metaphysical Primacy: What's the Better Strategy? - May 15, 2009
179. "Ultimate Questions" - April 28, 2009
178. Q and A on Atheism - April 7, 2009
177. Three Questions on the Resurrection - April 4, 2009
176. Was Jesus a Great Moral Teacher? - April 1, 2009
175. Incinerating Presuppositionalism: Year Four - March 26, 2009
174. A Response to Josh Ratliff on the "Creed" in I Corinthians 15 - March 24, 2009
173. Legends, Lüdemann, and Inductive Inference - March 23, 2009
172. Pass the Pepto Baptismal: The "Hell Being Community" at Wat Phai Rong Wua - March 21, 2009
171. Was Adam Created Perfect? - March 19, 2009
170. Off to Asia! - February 6, 2009
169. Do Objectivists Try to Define God Out of Existence? - January 1, 2009
168. The Inherent Subjectivism of God-belief - December 26, 2008
167. Could the Christian God Be Rational? - December 7, 2008
166. Thoughts on Recent Comments by Vytautas - December 6, 2008
165. Rival Philosophies of Fact - November 9, 2008
164. A Reply to Tennant on Theistic Foundationalism vs. the Objectivist Axioms - October 24, 2008
163. Paul's Ignorance of the Earthly Jesus, Part 3: Claims 8-14 - September 24, 2008
162. Paul's Ignorance of the Earthly Jesus, Part 2: Claims 1-7 - September 23, 2008
161. Paul's Ignorance of the Earthly Jesus, Part 1: Prologue and Preliminary Basics - September 22, 2008
160. Geisler-Turek Reflux - September 21, 2008
159. Another Response to David, Part 7: The Anatomy of Legend and the Ruse of Revelation - September 17, 2008
158. Another Response to David, Part 6: Signs of the Legend - September 16, 2008
157. Another Response to David, Part 5: Paul's Knowledge of Jesus - August 29, 2008
156. Another Response to David, Part 4: Paul, Q and Groping Traditions - August 28, 2008
155. Another Response to David, Part 3: The Usual Pagan Suspects - August 27, 2008
154. Another Response to David, Part 2: The Witness of Paul - August 26, 2008
153. Another Response to David, Part 1: The Charge of Strawman - August 25, 2008
152. In Response to David on I Corinthians 15:3-8 - July 29, 2008
151. Is I Corinthians 15:3-8 'Too Early' to Be Legend? - July 27, 2008
150. [SIC] - July 13, 2008
149. Before the Beginning: The Problem of Divine Lonesomeness - July 11, 2008
148. Dodging the Subject-Object Relationship - June 21, 2008
147. Stolen Concepts and Intellectual Parasitism - June 13, 2008
146. Faith as Hope in the Imaginary - June 5, 2008
145. God the Father: A Father of Love? - May 16, 2008
144. The Double Whammy - April 6, 2008
143. Incinerating Presuppositionalism: Year Three - March 26, 2008
142. Quixie on Witherington on Doherty - March 16, 2008
141. Presuppositionalism and the Evasion of the Burden of Proof, Part 3 - February 4, 2008
140. Presuppositionalism and the Evasion of the Burden of Proof, Part 2 - February 3, 2008
139. Presuppositionalism and the Evasion of the Burden of Proof, Part 1 - February 1, 2008
138. The Imaginative Basis of Vytautas' God-Belief, Part 5 - January 18, 2008
137. The Imaginative Basis of Vytautas' God-Belief, Part 4 - January 17, 2008
136. The Imaginative Basis of Vytautas' God-Belief, Part 3 - January 14, 2008
135. The Imaginative Basis of Vytautas' God-Belief, Part 2 - January 13, 2008
134. The Imaginative Basis of Vytautas' God-Belief, Part 1 - January 11, 2008
133. A Response to Vytautas - January 6, 2008
132. Van Til vs. Bahnsen - January 2, 2008
131. My Chat with a Presuppositionalist - December 27, 2007
130. D. James Kennedy's Impotent Jesus - November 26, 2007
129. Lord Oda's "Problem with Pain" - October 4, 2007
128. Lord Oda on Faith - October 2, 2007
127. Singhing the Greg Bahnsen Blues - September 25, 2007
126. Roadmap to Bahnsen on the Supernatural - September 23, 2007
125. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 18: Final Assessment and Conclusion - September 21, 2007
124. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 17: "Naturalism versus Supernaturalism as Worldviews" - September 19, 2007
123. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 16: "No Predictability" - September 17, 2007
122. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 15: "Further Difficulties" - September 11, 2007
121. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 14: "Philosophical Self-Deception" - September 9, 2007
120. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 13: "Double Standards and Begging the Question" - September 7, 2007
119. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 12: "Logical Positivism" - September 5, 2007
118. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 11: "The Case Against Metaphysics" - September 3, 2007
117. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 10: "Pure Motives?" - August 31, 2007
116. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 9: "Suprasensible Reality" - August 29, 2007
115. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 8: "Ultimate Questions" - August 27, 2007
114. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 7: "Distinguishing Appearance from Reality" - August 25, 2007
113. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 6: "The Christian Metaphysic" - August 23, 2007
112. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 5: "A Comprehensive Metaphysic" - August 21, 2007
111. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 4: "Fundamental Distinctions" - August 19, 2007
110. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 3: "Defining the Metaphysical" - August 17, 2007
109. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 2: "The Reproach of the Transcendent" - August 15, 2007
108. Bahnsen on "Knowing the Supernatural" Part 1: Introduction - August 13, 2007
107. The Presuppositionalist View of Man’s Consciousness - August 1, 2007
106. The Role of Imagination in Christian God-Belief - July 17, 2007
105. The Problem of Saul - June 30, 2007
104. The Moral Uselessness of the 10 Commandments - May 22, 2007
103. A Succinct Summary of My Worldview - May 21, 2007
102. Answering Ecualegacy, Pt. 4 - May 20, 2007
101. Answering Ecualegacy, Pt. 3 - May 17, 2007
100. Answering Ecualegacy, Pt. 2 - May 15, 2007
99. Answering Ecualegacy, Pt. 1 - May 13, 2007
98. Jet's Flimsy Denials - May 2, 2007
97. More Piqued Pike - April 29, 2007
96. Pike's Pique - April 28, 2007
95. Pike on Concepts and Omniscience - April 27, 2007
94. Would an Omniscient Mind Have Knowledge in Conceptual Form? - April 24, 2007
93. Christian Reaction to Virginia Tech - April 22, 2007
92. Virginia Tech - April 18, 2007
91. Incinerating Presuppositionalism: Year Two - March 26, 2007
90. Inerrancy... Christian Style - March 24, 2007
89. Common Ground Part 7: Consequences of Division - March 22, 2007
88. Common Ground Part 6: Cooperation - March 20, 2007
87. Common Ground Part 5: Ethics - March 18, 2007
86. Common Ground Part 4: Epistemology - March 10, 2007
85. Common Ground Part 3: Metaphysics - March 8, 2007
84. Common Ground Part 2: The Standard of Evaluation - March 6, 2007
83. Common Ground Part 1: What Do Believers and Non-Believers Have in Common? - March 4, 2007
82. Exapologist's Message to Non-Theists - February 17, 2007
81. The Ominous Parallels Between Presuppositionalism and Drug Addiction - February 6, 2007
80. Faith as Belief Without Understanding - January 1, 2007
79. Paul's "Necessary Propositions" - December 24, 2006
78. Theism and Subjective Metaphysics - December 19, 2006
77. Apologetic Evasion Overload - December 17, 2006
76. Reveling in Reversals - December 15, 2006
75. Paulianna Apologetics - December 13, 2006
74. Chronic Manatism: Boy Wonder and His Invisible Magic Being - December 11, 2006
73 Wishing and the Christian Deity - December 9, 2006
72. The Axioms and the Primacy of Existence - December 7, 2006
71. "Do unto others..." - November 23, 2006
70. Those Delicate Christian Sensibilities - October 28, 2006
69. Is the Expression 'Invisible Magic Being' "Pejorative"? - October 22, 2006
68. Gods and Square Circles - October 12, 2006
67. Frame's Summary of Van Til's OMA - September 30, 2006
66. Christianity: The Imaginary Friend's Network - August 29, 2006
65. Responding to Chris - July 30, 2006
64. Theism and Its Piggyback Starting Point - July 28, 2006
63. Slam Dunk! - July 12, 2006
62. A.S.A. Jones on the Age-Old Rock Question - July 9, 2006
61. Metaphysical Subjectivism and Christianity's Cartoon Universe, Pt. 2 - July 6, 2006
60. Metaphysical Subjectivism and Christianity's Cartoon Universe, Pt. 1 - July 5, 2006
59. See, I told you so! - July 3, 2006
58. Carr vs. Cole - June 29, 2006
57. A Response to Paul - June 26, 2006
56. Steve's Persisting Haysiness - June 24, 2006
55. The Strengths of the Cartoon Universe Analogy - June 22, 2006
54. Steve's Hays-ty Reaction to the Cartoon Universe Premise of His Worldview - June 21, 2006
53. Hays on the Cartoon Universe Premise of Theism - June 19, 2006
52. Seeing Through the Hays - June 6, 2006
51. Manata Overboard: Adrift and Without a Paddle - June 2, 2006
50. Did the Author of I Peter See the Risen Jesus of the Gospels? - May 27, 2006
49. Jason and the Halluci-Nots - May 12, 2006
48. Basic Contra-Theism - May 4, 2006
47. Christian Insecurity: A Case Study - May 2, 2006
46. Manata's Powers of Flawgic - April 26, 2006
45. Hitler vs. Mother Theresa: Antithesis or Symbiosis? - April 7, 2006
44. Responding to Pavielle - March 29, 2006
43. Incinerating Presuppositionalism: Year One - March 26, 2006
42. Confessions of a Vantillian Subjectivist - March 23, 2006
41. Calvindude's Defense of Christianity's Moral Bankruptcy - March 16, 2006
40. Rational Morality vs. Presuppositional Apologetics - March 9, 2006
39. Will the Real TAG Please Stand Up? - March 1, 2006
38. In the beginning... - February 23, 2006
37. Presuppositionalism and the Argument from Ignorance - February 3, 2006
36. Dear Sal - January 10, 2006
35. With Minds of Children - December 28, 2005
34. Bahnsen's Poof Revisited - November 28, 2005
33. Bahnsen's Three Charges of Prejudice - November 23, 2005
32. What Happened to Paul? - November 14, 2005
31. Tape Loop Apologetics - November 1, 2005
30. Probing Manata's Poor Understanding of the Axioms - October 4, 2005
29. Reckless Apologetic Presumptuousness - September 24, 2005
28. Is the Contrary to Christianity Truly Impossible? - September 18, 2005
27. Christ Jesus: Still a Jumble of Contradicitons - August 18, 2005
26. Christianity and the Worship of Contradiction - August 4, 2005
25. Only Two Worldviews? - July 24, 2005
24. Is the Assumption of the Christian God Axiomatic? - June 26, 2005
23. Can Reformed Christians Count? - June 7, 2005
22. Is Human Experience Evidence of the Christian God? - June 6, 2005
21. No "might be" About It: I AM an Atheist - June 2, 2005
20. Is Man "Created in the Image of God"? - May 31, 2005
19. Cooking with Gene's Arbitrary Presuppositions - May 22, 2005
18. Arbitrary
Presupposition vs. Reasoned Conclusion - May 20, 2005
17. I
Don't Believe It - May 9, 2005
16. Five
Hundred Anonymous Witnesses - May 8, 2005
15. The
Real Genesis Creation Account - May 6, 2005
14. Difficulty Keeping the Party Line Straight - May 2, 2005
13. Paul's Argument from Desperation - April 21, 2005
12. From the Horse's Mouth: Apologists Shooting Themselves in the Foot - April 20, 2005
11. Putting Paul's TAG to the Geusha Test - April 15, 2005
10. Do I Borrow My Morality from the Christian Worldview? - April 14, 2005
9. Omnipotence and Sovereignty in the Cartoon Universe - April 4, 2005
8. The "God's Good Pleasure" Principle and the Cartoon Universe Premise - April 2, 2005
7. Paul's Empty Sling - April 1, 2005
6. Thus Saith the Lord and His Spokesman: "Shut Down Thy Mind!" - April 1, 2005
5. The Cartoon Universe of Theism - March 30, 2005
4. Christianity vs. Objective Morality - March 29, 2005
3. Bahnsen's Poof - March 28, 2005
2. John Frame vs. the Human Thinker - March 27, 2005
1. Presuppositionalism vs. Causality - March 26, 2005